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My first dog was Floyd, an American Staffordshire Terrier. Unfortunately he died due to a genetic desease when he was only 3 ½ years young. It was very hard to cope with this loss, so I did not have a dog for years.


Over the years the desire to have a dog was growing and growing and so in June 2005 my first American Bulldog „Chestnut’s Little Fox“ moved in. Followed by his niece „Chestnut’s Little Kachina“ 3 years later.


The special unique character of this breed and the friendly open nature absolutely convinced me. "Once bulldog, always bulldog".



My dogs live in the house together with me and are integrated in the family. My goal is to breed healthy hybrid-type American Bulldogs with this open, friendly character. That's why I only use health checked dogs with performance certificate or temperament test.


My puppies will be well socialized and I set high value on the choice and contact lateron to the new owners of my puppies.   Diana Reinbott